Join one of our Adult Sabbath school lesson study groups. Every week small groups get together to share what they learned from the lesson and how it has made a difference in their lives.
Sabbath School classes are the heartbeat of our church community. Each week we spend time learning from Scripture and from each other. Find the right class for you from the options listed below:
Adult Sabbath School Lesson Study Classes are held in the Sanctuary and in the Mother's room.
Our Sabbath school fellowship begins at 9:20 AM with songs of praise followed by a short program in the sanctuary which can consist of inspirational thoughts, mission stories, and special features. After the opening program, adults divide into their separate classes. Children's Sabbath School classes begin at 9:30 AM.
For your information, we have a Sabbath School Quarterly available to those who would like one to study during the week, just request one from the teacher in your class or take one from the literature table in the foyer. This quarter, July through September, we are doing a study on the Book of Acts.
This Third Quarter our Sabbath School Special Offering is for food for our Annual Outreach of Thanksgiving Baskets. You may place your donations in the jar that goes along with the offering envelopes. All donations are greatly appreciated.
We pray that you will be Blessed and Enlightened as you study these lessons.
Look forward to seeing you!